Once the order is placed, it takes up to 2 working days to confirm and process the order. After the order is processed, you receive an email with the tracking ID of your order. The courier takes up to 7 working days to deliver the product to your place. Please note that during days of high volume such as festivals, promotions, and other similar occasions, the order may take longer to arrive. If you have placed the order on the weekend or public holidays, the order will be processed on the next working day.
The customer will bear the cost of shipping which is flat RS 250/- per order.
Here are a few things that you should keep in mind when ordering online.
- Please give your personal address for a smooth and hassle-free delivery experience
- Our delivery partners contact our customers before delivering the order to confirm their presence. Please make sure you are present to receive the order.
- In case, you are not contacted by the courier before arriving with your order due to any reason, it is safe to inform someone at your place to receive the order in your absence.
- If somehow you are unable to receive the product and the courier leaves then they will re-attempt to deliver the order. Please make sure you are there to receive it the second time.
- If the order is not received after two attempts, it is sent back to us. In such a case, you can contact our help center for further processing.